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Old 28-06-06, 21:57
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yelvertoft yelvertoft is offline  
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: North Essex, UK
Age: 60
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Originally Posted by Roy Ledgerton
Second try at attaching a photo showing bluish tinge to basically red flower. If unsuccesful would appreciate advice on how to do it.

Sorry Roy, still no pic. When you compose your post, select "go advanced" and if you scroll down below the text entry box, you should see a range of options below, one of which is marked "manage attachments", click on this and click on the "browse" button in the dialogue box presented. Find the file you wish to attach on your computer and then select the "upload" button in the manage attachments dialogue box. Remember that attachments should not really be bigger than 1024 pixels max dimension and no bigger than 200kB file size ideally. You should resize your picture befor you upload it if it is bigger than this.

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