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Old 06-06-07, 16:25
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Originally Posted by Don Hoey View Post
I am on BT Broadband and use BT's browser as that gives me multi tabbed browsing. For my limited internet wanderings it does what I want and I have hidden most of its features as they are of no interest. I'm for the simple life.
Don. just think for a moment, OK? You really think getting infected by spyware so that Sassan had to rescue you is the simple life? You got infected (and you will get infected again for 100% certain) because you are using a stone-age browser with dreadful security. It is not "easier" or "simpler" to use this horribly insecure technology, it is much, much more difficult in the long run. Internet Explorer is the single most important spyware infection vector (and is also a virus risk, of course). Spyware is the single most likely cause of you (or any person) needing to seek professional help to fix your computer.

Getting a spyware and continuing to use Internet Explorer afterwards anyway is exactly like having surgery for lung cancer and going on smoking. If you don't address the cause of your problems - and make no mistake, IE is a very major cause of spyware infection - then they will just return to haunt you, over and over again.

If I sound a little holier-than-though or a little like a hellfire and brimstone preacher on this topic, forgive me. But I've learned a lot about photography from you here, Don, and I can't just stay quiet when I see you self-inflicting injury in the field where my professional expertise lies.

Quitting the IE habit is not painful. It is, in fact, liberating - the modern browsers are a long way in front not just in security but also in ease-of-use features. That tabbed browsing you mentioned is an example: Internet Explorer got it at Christmas time. Opera had it 7 years ago - yes, 7 years ago - and the Mozilla/Firefox products had it more than 5 years ago. That's a pretty fair indication of how far in front of IE they are.

Switching is dead easy: go to or, if you prefer, to and follow the prompts.
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