Thread: Camera bean bag
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Old 15-04-13, 17:11
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Don't talk to me about bean bags! The last one I bought was a Tokoshima Super Pro-Level Bean Bag. I took it with me to the Rockies to photograph grizzlies; I thought that if it was full of beans it would make an ideal emergency food supply. Well, to cut a long story short, I managed to strangle the 700 lb bear with my remaining good hand, but not after sustaining some quite serious injuries to my back and legs. I couldn't but hobble a few yards. Although my mobile (cell, to Yanks) phone had been damaged in the struggle, I wasn't too concerned as I was sure that I would be missed by Attenborough and the rest of my back-up crew and would shortly be rescued. I had food and water for a couple of days, and also by bean bag if things got desperate. My main concern was other bears who might have been attracted by the smell of blood. I had come prepared for encounters with dangerous animals, but both the bazooka and flame-thrower had been knocked over the escarpment when I flung the lifeless body of the grizzly down the gorge.
After four days, I had not been rescued and had consumed my rations. I ate nothing for the following two days, being reluctant to damage the Tokoshima as it had cost me £80 ($54 US), but hunger overcame my avarice and I ripped open the bag, but to my dismay, found not edible beans, but some artificial material. I eventually passed out, overcome with hunger.
Obviously I was rescued and returned to safety or I would not be writing this.
My point is that, ideally, a bean bag should contain natural high-energy beans, and the fabric of the bag made from some self-igniting material that would heat and cook the beans.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to communicate directly with a bean bag manufacturer.

p.s. I hope that the bear was no relation of yours and that you do not hold a grudge because I killed one of your species.
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