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Old 08-01-14, 13:24
davet47 davet47 is offline  
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Default Please comment

Hi Matty-happy New Year to you.
Firstly I think that with a new camera you should spend some time getting used to it, possibly using program mode for a while-you can still alter speed/aperture in this setting.Why are you using manual focus? Autofocus is really good on modern DSLR cameras and you can select your focus point to be where you want it to be.
Secondly,I think your flowers pic should have been taken at ISO 100/200, slower shutter speed, and smaller aperture (bigger number such as f8 or f11) to give more depth of field.The mushroom also could have done with more depth of field, as should the hill pic-you need lots of depth of field for landscapes like this so really need f16 or so, and you don't need 1/800 sec for landscapes.Tripods are also useful (some might say necessary) for landscape shots as they allow for much slower shutter speed hence smaller aperture and more depth of field.You will learn as you go along-get out and take shots but try to remember what settings you have used.I've been taking photos for 50+ years and I'm still learning. Sometimes we see a photo in a mag or on a site and wonder how it was taken-it might just be that the circumstances will never present themselves to us!
I hope this is helpful.

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