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World Photography Forum
Most Recently Made Comments
Trena, I hope you can get to Singapore in the future. The zoo is fantastic.
Lovely. The colours are fabulous.
Txs Hassan, I thought thiis buffalo looked so peaceful but most of my friends think it looks dead!!
A great shot and a fascinating building.
Lovely composition.
Fantastic shot, so sharp and lovely colours.
Fabulous image.
Recent Comments on Member Photos
Trena, I hope you can get to Singapore in the future. The zoo is fantastic. by Sarah56
lovely shots, we were supposed to be going over there in a few months but have cancelled our trip no... by Tugboat
Very nice capture. by JACK9019
Great moment. TFS by Nigel G
Another great shot, not quite so dynamic in the composition as the other one. by miketoll
Excellent shot. by miketoll
Txs Hassan, I thought thiis buffalo looked so peaceful but most of my friends think it looks dead!! by Sarah56
normally when you wanna take a shot from live animal (specially this huge Buffalo)you must be so pa... by SOLHME
Nice capture. by JACK9019
Three great images...love the expression on this one...thanks for sharing! by Nora
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