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Don Hoey 19-10-06 22:50


Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 10463)
Then there are the gear freaks ;) (no offence meant) just look at their galleries lol

Mmmm ........ Encouraging comment !!!!!!!


Don Hoey 19-10-06 22:57


Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 10463)
If you want critique related to accumulating points or a score, then you should join Photosig

?????????? POINTS I do not understand.


Stephen 19-10-06 23:27


Originally Posted by Don Hoey (Post 12524)
After all, I assume the purpose of posting in the critique is to seek advice from the ' knowledgeable' in that particular discipline.

This is not and IMHO should not be the case Don. Posting in a critique forum tome is more about asking for peoples opinions on whether they not only like an image or whether they feel it works, or does not work. If possible it is good to hear what it does for the viewer, what feelings it instills in a person, what they feel about an image etc. It is about aesthetics as well as technicalities. Technical expertise can sometimes be secondary to aesthetics.

There are plenty of people on this forum who are capable of this and indeed on many occasions I have appreciated the comments on my my own efforts. Again it is my opinion as has already been stated earlier in this thread that anyone can give there own opinion about how they feel about an image, what they see in it and whether they think it works, is good or bad and why. Surely this is what art and in this case photo fineart is about.


Re post #19. In order to do that, surely providing as much information relative to the image is essential. If this is not so, then perhaps I am missing something.
I'm pretty much in agreement with post 19, and as for giving technical information about a photo, in my own case it is often totally irrelavant. When I take a Raw file and process it to my taste, then manipulate it to create an image that satisfies me. What the camera sees can often be simply the raw material. How can aperture and shutter speed be of any relevance. I acknowledge however that in many cases this is not the case and if it helps I'll give it. The important thing is whether the picture works and this can be seen in the image ie. whether the shutter speed was correct or the aperture sufficient.

Stephen 19-10-06 23:28


Originally Posted by Don Hoey (Post 12526)
?????????? POINTS I do not understand.


Don, you should perhaps take a look at :)

Jimbo 20-10-06 03:31

Why I submit photo's. It's because I enjoy seeing where other people live and what they see out their windows and in and around their towns. If someone wishes to comment or to critique I say thank you. It's through the transmisson of observations that we learn. I will never be a "photographer" but with help I'll be able to present a more enjoyable photo.


sassan 20-10-06 04:29


Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 12529)
Don, you should perhaps take a look at :)

My dear friends, should you take a look at photosig, please make sure you don't make it any thing beyond that look... Don't ask me why, just listen to me; a refugee from that site that in no time turns you into GLADIATORS, throwing thumbs ups and downs and reds and what not. A very nasty site though its extremely high turn over and heavy traffic will bring some good characters once in a while but if you do not believe in humiliation in name of learning don't make your stay there for long.

Every flower has its own feature. One comes with lots of sharp irritating pricks the other with a most beautiful fragrant or color. Let WPF have its own taste.

Stephen 20-10-06 09:03


Originally Posted by sassan (Post 12532)
My dear friends, should you take a look at photosig, please make sure you don't make it any thing beyond that look... Don't ask me why, just listen to me; a refugee from that site that in no time turns you into GLADIATORS, throwing thumbs ups and downs and reds and what not. A very nasty site though its extremely high turn over and heavy traffic will bring some good characters once in a while but if you do not believe in humiliation in name of learning don't make your stay there for long.

Every flower has its own feature. One comes with lots of sharp irritating pricks the other with a most beautiful fragrant or color. Let WPF have its own taste.

If you can't stand the heat..............................

Frankly Sassan I am suprised that you choose to influence what members do or take part in. I'm sure people here will make their own mind up quickly enough. I would certainly never suggest that this site take on a format similar to Photosig, heaven forbid. However if you want to view a fantastic range of photography and some stunning pictures, its worth some time browsing their pages. Of course if you don't want honest comment and critique then posting your work in any critique forum is not for you.

Not too sure about the analogy of flowers and taste Sassan ;) Some mixing of metaphors there methinks :D

Don Hoey 20-10-06 10:19


Just had a quick look at Photosig, and I will go back later. Initial comment is that there are lots of very good images posted there.

I guess I have not really grasped the concept of Critique as in your post #33 hence my post from last night. Differentiation between between seeking advice on HOW DO I, and, THIS IS MY VIEW, how do you feel about my interpretation. If I am right in that assumption, then yes, I would agree no need to post info of the technicalities of the shot.

Question to keep you going until I return. How do you rate the critique and how much notice do you take if comments are generally negative or very few, ie do you change your style to suit the critiquers or be happy with your own work.


Stephen 20-10-06 14:17


Originally Posted by Don Hoey (Post 12538)

Just had a quick look at Photosig, and I will go back later. Initial comment is that there are lots of very good images posted there.

I guess I have not really grasped the concept of Critique as in your post #33 hence my post from last night. Differentiation between between seeking advice on HOW DO I, and, THIS IS MY VIEW, how do you feel about my interpretation. If I am right in that assumption, then yes, I would agree no need to post info of the technicalities of the shot.

Question to keep you going until I return. How do you rate the critique and how much notice do you take if comments are generally negative or very few, ie do you change your style to suit the critiquers or be happy with your own work.


Hi Don, TBH I would take from it what you will, if a critique is good there is often something worth considering. Surely if you post a photo for critique/comment you must expect peoples honest opinions and try to learn from anything that is valid. Its difficult to be prescriptive about such things, however here is a useful guide and in particular part 3 ;)

Don Hoey 20-10-06 17:27

Photosig observations re critique. As I am not a member I may well be missing the view presented to members.

Points system for critique I personally find a bit odd and have still not really got my head round it. Conforming or non conforming critiques. Example "xxxxx thanks for your 3 TU's on my xxxxx xxxx. Unfortunately your critique is non-conforming, so no rating ". Whats that all about. Given what was written in the critique I just do not understand the points logic at all. :confused:

I did land one image where things got well out of hand ( seems the points system may have got in the way here ). Unbelievable :eek: , and really not really helpful I would have thought, to any party involved.

Browsing the ' All Photos ' is not much different from WPF gallery. I guess the number and range of photo's is huge as they can be displayed in almost any way imaginable. I spent a lot of time in the Random Photo's section as I thought that would give a reasonable feel for pics on the site. Without a doubt there are some absolutely stunning photo's that are an inspiration, and others that I only viewed as I was researching the site.

Returning to the thread here though, and the points raised.

On Photosig I found lots of " very good shot - great shot and perception - very interesting shot - very nice shot - nice capture - beautiful " as well a lot of very well thought out and appreciated critiques.

Quite a lot of images with a very high view count up to 400 + with only a couple of critiques. Images posted long ago with as little as 10 views that I would have viewed if I was a member.

So in these respects Photosig is not much different from WPF gallery, given that for some time now posters of pics have had the option of asking for a critique.

If I can return to " purplebyron's " post #27 for a moment, I would like to ask a question.
Purplebyron in view of your impassioned post, are YOU posting your thoughts against images in the gallery where a critique is requested, or only in the ' Critique Forum '. If only in the Critique then I am not sure I totally understand the reasoning behind your post #27.
Stephens POV I do totally understand, as he has posted images and his thoughts behind them. I may not have posted my views before, but now with a bit more understanding of his logic will. ( Stephens post #33 ).

Stephen, Thanks for posting the link. I was unable to find this without it. Wise words indeed at the bottom of 3.

Seems to me its about encouraging members to post images in the ' Critique Forum ' for a fuller assessment of an image than is likely in the Gallery. The link in Stephens post #39 then makes useful guidance all round.


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