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Andy 01-01-06 18:30

WPF £100 Photo Competition:Vote Here
Vote for your favourite photo in the WPF £100 Photo Competition.
The photo names in the above poll are clickable and will take you to the photo but better still click HERE for a slideshow of all entries

The poll will run for 7 days and in the event of a tie, those leading will be put into a further poll for members to vote upon.

Unfortunately, I have had to shorten a few of the photo titles.

Good luck everyone

Adey Baker 01-01-06 19:02

Well, I've narrowed my choice down to three contenders, but I've got to go away and think about it before deciding where to vote as they're so close - it's very difficult judging completely different subjects one against the other!

greypoint 01-01-06 19:17

This is difficult!!

Nigel G 01-01-06 20:07

I see it is possible (unlike on BF competitions) to view the current state of voting before you actually cast your own vote - do you think this is a good idea ?

Andy 01-01-06 20:14


Originally Posted by Nigel G
I see it is possible (unlike on BF competitions) to view the current state of voting before you actually cast your own vote - do you think this is a good idea ?

Yes, seems a quirk of the new software. We'll look into it but it may not be possible to change it for this particular competition.

yelvertoft 01-01-06 21:15

Makes you realise what a high standard has been achieved by all. There's some really great images in there.

wolfie 01-01-06 22:03

So many great photo's, the task of picking the best is almost impossible.
I'll probably make a short list then use a blindfold and pin to select my No.1.


Christine 01-01-06 22:12

Very ,very difficult.All the entries are of the highest calibre.

Andy 02-01-06 12:23

A great field of entries but it would be nice to see a few more votes coming in from the mebers.

SharonW 02-01-06 13:30

That was not easy! Well done to all, there are some superb images in there.

Chris 02-01-06 18:06

one way to eliminate?
It certainly was a difficult choice.

For what it is worth, I did my elimination by eliminating images by people who do not appear to have a gallery apart from their one competition entry. I don't think just entering the competition with a star pic but contributing nothing else is in the spirit of how the gallery can be a joint co-operative venture.


Tom Charles 02-01-06 20:39

Andy, maybe a header to say voting is under way, on front page, as done in BF?

Don Hoey 02-01-06 23:21

I will now stop creating mayhem on the photagraphy front and concentrate on this. Very, very difficult though once you are down to the short list. Been thinking on and off since yesterday, chickened out and took some pics instead.
Mind still not totally made up.


Wan2caTanager 03-01-06 02:13

Very hard choice, great pictures everyone! :)

Don Hoey 03-01-06 11:56

A bump.
I have now voted and am quite surprised that so far only 30 votes have been cast.


dash 04-01-06 21:14

If voted for it would be nice to get a comment or reason why, but not a name,what do you think!!!!!

Dr.Manjeet Singh 05-01-06 01:55

All photos are great and best of luck to all (i have voted-hopes it wins(ah)-):)

greypoint 05-01-06 06:52

Well, the votes are creeping up!

SeanKP 05-01-06 12:15

Some fantastic photos and they're all very good. Congratulations to all of you. A couple of photos did stand out for me though and I actually found it quite easy to choose my favourite.


greypoint 07-01-06 21:33

vote Vote Vote - Soon Be Too Late!!

Christine 07-01-06 22:11

Re the comment how few members do vote.BF has an extremely large membership,lots of entries for the monthly comps,but the no of people who vote is paltry considering the no of members of the Forum.This is quite sad,considering the effort which goes into setting up the comp and the high no of entrants,and the quality of the photos which are submitted.

Andy 07-01-06 22:58


Originally Posted by Christine
Re the comment how few members do vote.BF has an extremely large membership,lots of entries for the monthly comps,but the no of people who vote is paltry considering the no of members of the Forum.This is quite sad,considering the effort which goes into setting up the comp and the high no of entrants,and the quality of the photos which are submitted.

There is more of an excuse on birdforum, as a good proportion of the members on there have no interest in photography... we'd hope WPF would be rather different, but I suspect we have had a good few join who were just curious.

Christine 07-01-06 23:14

Andy,I would never disagree with you!!!,but there are a magnitude of photographers on BF.The Gallery is full of pics every day.But how many of these people do vote.But yes,I see your point.There are masses of postings on the threads,but all are not into photography.I think that when WDP expands more people will be involved.After all this is a forum dedicated to photography as such.

Mick 08-01-06 00:10


Originally Posted by Christine
I think that when WDP expands more people will be involved.After all this is a forum dedicated to photography as such.

Agreed, it's early days yet let's see how it develops. What does strike me is that there are a lot of entries for the number of members, imagine the same thing when the membership climbs, we could end up having to judge from hundreds of photos, perhaps another way or judging is required!
Food for thought perhaps but what about instead of entering photos directly the moderators could look at the months postings into the gallery and pick out the 10 with the most comments for instance and enter them into the competition, and we would judge from those, I am only saying this because I thought there where too many to judge from now all of them great, making it very difficult.


robski 08-01-06 00:36


Originally Posted by Mick
Food for thought perhaps but what about instead of entering photos directly the moderators could look at the months postings into the gallery and pick out the 10 with the most comments for instance and enter them into the competition, and we would judge from those.

I think there is some merit in this suggestion. The same though had gone through my mind for the BF comp.

greypoint 08-01-06 16:17

Of course this is an open subject competition - I think future ones may be themed. That may make choosing a winner slightly easier.

Andy 08-01-06 21:21

Congratulations to Tom for his winning photo 'Crafty', and a big thank you to everyone who submitted a photo, the quality of entries was amazing.

robski 08-01-06 21:45

Yes Congratulations Tom an excellent Shot. I must confess I voted for the runner up as I know you have a big fan club. ;)

nirofo 09-01-06 01:06

Well done Tom, a worthy winner and a great subject!


greypoint 09-01-06 06:44

Congratulations to everyone for such a good entry and to Tom for his winning shot

reader 09-01-06 09:24

Congrats Tom on presenting an image worthy of any competition of this kind.

SharonW 09-01-06 10:08

Congratulation Tom! A superb image, I had a sneaking suspicion it might win! Well done.

Saphire 09-01-06 10:21

Congratulations Tom and the northumbrian a very close second.
Well done to everyone who entered they were all cracking shots.

dash 09-01-06 11:54

Well done, a worthy winner

Delia Todd 09-01-06 12:21

Well done Tom - a lovely picture.

I had a problem viewing the Slide Show - it took so long to bring up most of the pictures it went on to the next one before I could see them. And most of them were too large too see on my screen without scrolling. Eventually I had to cancel the slide show and view them individually.

Was this a problem with my computer only or.....?


Dr.Manjeet Singh 09-01-06 14:09

Excellent Tom and a realy beautiful pic. Congrats to all the other winners too. Regards.:)

greypoint 09-01-06 15:35

Delia - I gave up on the slide show - as the pictures are uploaded through the month i'd looked at them as they were uploaded a few at a time. Before voting I went to the gallery and looked at all the thumbnails and clicked on those I wanted to see the big view of again. It seems much quicker to go through them that way even if you want to see them all again.

Tom Charles 09-01-06 16:03

Thanks everyone for your kind words. It was a close call. There were many excellent shots in the competition, so I really am very fortunate with the final result. Heres to lots more learning and fun with photography in the days ahead :)

Delia Todd 09-01-06 16:09


Originally Posted by greypoint
Delia - I gave up on the slide show - as the pictures are uploaded through the month i'd looked at them as they were uploaded a few at a time. Before voting I went to the gallery and looked at all the thumbnails and clicked on those I wanted to see the big view of again. It seems much quicker to go through them that way even if you want to see them all again.

Whew! Thanks for that Greypoint - at least I know it wasn't just me then!:)


Willowy1 09-01-06 18:27

Congratulations Tom :D
A wonderful photograph and a beautiful animal too!

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