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Gidders 11-01-16 18:08

Fancy a Go
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Ok so I'm going to resurrect this game, which I used to enjoy.

Attached is an un-edited image which everyone is welcome to have a play with, anything goes so feel free and have fun. Its up to your imagination.

Post your interpretation in the thread, & to help everybody learn, please give a brief overview of what you've done to create your version

I will choose the one I like best next week, and then that person can start a new thread with their image for us to have a play with

Tugboat 11-01-16 20:44

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my edit for Fancy a go, selective colour, sats and contrast added

graham harcombe 11-01-16 23:32

The one that got away
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Just a bit of fun, well so it was. I dredged out a photo from the archives of a visit to Kaikura in NZ of a diving whale. I cut out the animal and also the water disturbance to a fair distance around it then matched the colour balance and light intensity.

Next step was to introduce the water droplets which I copied from a scene I took from behind a waterfall. They were fitted in two strips, one for each side of the tailfin and I then emphasised the sides of the water flow.


sassan 12-01-16 07:51

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So far so Nice.
And here is my share and participation:
Rotate a tad to make water level, cropped a bit, cloned flare, mono-color conversion to taste, added sepia via overlay brown layer, a bit blur here and there, a bit sharpening here and there.

Tangata 13-01-16 05:29

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OK here is my try. I'm not sure if I am attaching it properly.

I had a photo of an artist taken some years ago in Italy, so I replaced the painting on his easel with a copy of the original that I had converted to an oil painting. Then I copied the result back into the original photograph.


Gidders 13-01-16 12:35

Hi Val

It's usually better if you attached the image directly to the thread (I've downloaded your version from smugmug & attached it for you)

To do it yourself, when creating your post
  1. Click "Go Advanced" below the quick post dialogue box
  2. Scroll down the page until you see "Manage Attachments" & click it
  3. In the windows that opens click "choose File" & navigate to the file you want to attached
  4. Click upload & when the upload is complete, close the window
  5. Job done :)

Tugboat 15-01-16 08:35

a couple of very interesting and creative edits there

Arthur53 15-01-16 14:35

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Selective levels. Multiply bending of sky. Dodge and burn. Selective sharpening. Slight warming to colour tone. Slight blur to the edges. Can't remember anything else but likely missed something.

robski 15-01-16 20:51

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If you can't fix it decorate it :rolleyes:

sassan 15-01-16 22:14

Loved it.

sassan 15-01-16 22:28

graham harcombe,



sassan 15-01-16 22:29

A suggestion;
It takes some time to click on each image to see it and then back to main page, heading to the next.
How about if we can find a way to see the images directly on this page without need to going to stored URL?
I can see that if you pick up the URL of each uploaded image and wrap with hypertext code for image i.e. [IMG]URL[/IMG], we can have a better display.
I am doing this for your initial image and all the other images applied and see if this make it any nice / easier to view.





sassan 15-01-16 22:32

:eek:OK. I see the first flaw: "Size difference and over size images".
I had to use "Ctrl" plus "-" bottoms to make the images small enough to be seen at a same time.
So... guess I take the suggestion back.:rolleyes:

Tugboat 20-01-16 07:22

ok, whats happening with this game?
do we have a winner yet?

sassan 20-01-16 21:04

I have invited Norm to come in an show us how his 3 number RBG editing method can help by participating in this Game challenge.
Hope he can make it before the Game is over.
I am very eager to see how his method that is been used by him for a long time in gallery, can work here.

nldunne 20-01-16 22:17

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These NUMBERS are OPEN ENDEDED from 000 000 000 (r g b) TOTAL BLACK tp 256. 256 256 (r g b) TOTAL WHITE.
There is a fine selection of VALUES when multiplying 256 X256 X 256 totalling 16 mil 777 thou and a couple of hundred separate values. I guess every color known on the planet is between the outer figures.
First - in PAINT SHOP PRO -> EDIT -> EFFECTS, I put a TIF work copy through a PLUG IN called PERFECTLY CLEAR.
Next - I go to my TIF and open it up to 1000% or so MAX and check for any areas needing touch ups. I do this with my probe which gives me a 3 number value. Then I click on FORGROUND BOX to open further. Then I go to the edge TIF correction area and click on it. Those 3 NUMBERS automatically are put in R G B boxes in my SWATCH SCREEN area along with the blended color from them. Then I click on OK to give me my FOREGROUND BOX color for TWEAKING.
Then - I use a very small PAINT TOOL BRUSH SIZE (1, 2 or 3) (for larger tweaking areas I may go up to BRUSH SIZE 10 or so) and then click all over the area needing touch up - very slowly - depending size of enlargement of TIF image. I even use a magnifying glass if the TWEAKING area is particularly small.
If I cannot find the color I want in image - I can scan in any hard copy material from outside sources, do a SAVE AS of any image reproduction off the net. Then I do a scan with the probe for any 3 NUMBER COLOR VALUES or BLACK and WHITE and SEPIA TONAL VALUES and click on those - if need be - the same way I do the above way. I
That done - I go over the whole image doing this. If need be, I can manually adjust my R G B 3 NUMBERS as well to achieve the color needed. Here is a link for 3 number color values -
The two illustrations are done this way.
Also with this is one I did on SPOT METERING (with MAGNIFYING LUPE ON CAM SCREEN) and worked up using the 3 COLOR R G B VALUES in PAINT SHOP PRO X8. Anne in Red Sweater.

Gidders 21-01-16 00:01

Sassan - nice idea to show the images in the thread directly... but as you say, not sure it works. And anyway you'd have to upload the images attaching it as a thumbnail to be able to post it directly. Personally I don't find it too much of a chore to click a thumbnail to see that larger image.

Norm - I don't understand what you're trying to achieve with this method, but like Sassan I'm keen to understand & I think Sassan was suggesting that show us how it works by applying your technique to the image I uploaded.

Gidders 21-01-16 00:12

OK - time to choose a winner & pass the batton on...

I like Trena's & Arthur's interpretation - very similar to what I did with it. I like the idea of the Sepia toning you've used Sassan but somewhere its lost a bit too much detail for me. Rob - great fun :)

For creativity I love what Graham & Tangata have done. Graham - did you try flipping the image? - I think that might have improved the composition. Tangata - the background original image looks a bit over sharpened to me on my monitor - difficult I appreciate when you're not working with a full sized original.

So... tough choice all round, but I think I'll hand over to Graham - I suggest you start a new thread with your images otherwise this one could get really long!

Thank you to everyone who had a go.

sassan 21-01-16 00:37

Good choice Clive and Congratulations "Graham".
Now we are waiting for your image to see continuation of this thread.
Good work everyone and lets the fun continue.
Norm, you can wait for the image Graham is uploading, to show the merit of your technique. Well if it works on your images, should work on every image and what better way to show it in action than participating in a competition.

So Graham, don't make us to wait too long. Not everyone is patient:)
Also Clive, don't forget that you won the Proverb game's last contest. We are waiting for your image upload on that thread.

nldunne 21-01-16 00:44

If you are uncertain about the general idea of my system - have a look at the link in my initial post of my information. It has much good info on this and other related links along with the 3 COLOR R G and B 3 Number Values. Plus it gives a three R G and B boxes one can mix and match color values to get the feel for it.

Tugboat 21-01-16 23:39

well done Graham, it looked fabulous

sassan 22-01-16 13:25

I am sure Graham is going to come back soon with handful of nice images to share specially one for this competition.

Tugboat 01-02-16 08:48

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thought I would add a pic while Graham is away, I'm sure he wont mind

sassan 02-02-16 08:08

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Alright. Lets keep this going. Here is my try.
Didn't like the empty foreground so shorten it without cropping.
Some perspective correction of wide angle lens.
Didn't like the flat sky so went totally crazy with hot sky.
Some enhancement of shadows also adjusting highlights.
Some enhancement and boost to vibrant color and sharpness.

Tangata 03-02-16 04:24

One of my favourite hotels, I won’t pass through Singapore without stopping off for at least one Singapore Sling.

There appeared to be a little parallax which I straightened. Then the sky, although a typical Singapore sky, lacked contrast with the building, so I put in a new sky; it was difficult to get a good selection on the right hand side.

I didn’t like the taxi or the tourists, so I darkened the tourists and covered the taxi with a carriage that I photographed in Poland in 2014.

Having the carriage there evoked an old time look so I experimented with turning it into an old photograph, which I think works quite well if you can convince yourself that the coachman is scratching his ear and not using a mobile phone!

Tugboat 03-02-16 05:47


Originally Posted by Tangata (Post 57607)
One of my favourite hotels, I won’t pass through Singapore without stopping off for at least one Singapore Sling.

There appeared to be a little parallax which I straightened. Then the sky, although a typical Singapore sky, lacked contrast with the building, so I put in a new sky; it was difficult to get a good selection on the right hand side.

I didn’t like the taxi or the tourists, so I darkened the tourists and covered the taxi with a carriage that I photographed in Poland in 2014.

Having the carriage there evoked an old time look so I experimented with turning it into an old photograph, which I think works quite well if you can convince yourself that the coachman is scratching his ear and not using a mobile phone!

sounds great but I can't see the image or a link????

Tangata 03-02-16 06:10

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Sorry, I should have reread the instructions, but I'm an Engineer and Engineers never read instructions.

So I'll try again!

graham harcombe 03-02-16 20:30

Going downmarket
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Hi Ronald!

Arthur53 05-02-16 11:13

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Straiten, crop, convert to B&W 2 tone colour. Blend saturate. Dodge and burn. Sharpen.

Tugboat 07-02-16 09:23

well I think I better choose a winner to hand it over to.

they are all creative but I think I will hand it over to Graham for the fun of it,absolutely

sassan 07-02-16 16:41

Good choice Trena and “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s"!
Graham your are "It" and this time, a big time!:)

graham harcombe 07-02-16 22:12

Thanks Trena, I'll trawl the archives tomorrow and post a shot to play with.

graham harcombe 08-02-16 10:16

Ok... do your worst - ETSOOI
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A scene from Nottingham.

sassan 08-02-16 17:20

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Originally Posted by graham harcombe (Post 57658)
A scene from Nottingham.

This image has a lot of potential to play with.
I just checked the rules and seems there is no rule against multiple entries. So to make this move, I'll make a quick edit here, but I would like to come back and re-do when have more time.
May I suggest to have the option of entering as many as edit as a user wants but only at the end, he or she should designate only one of the entries to be Judged for final decision. This way we may over come the low input or actually stimulate more entries by blowing in the inspiring ideas! Well just a suggestion for now.
What is done here: Adding selective color/desat; selective blur/sharpening and changing the contrast brightness according to taste.

robski 08-02-16 18:56

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I remember working at the Nottingham Evening Post several times. I can't say I enjoyed the experience due to a certain manager who will remain nameless.

Tangata 16-02-16 06:07

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Here is my attempt, I thought it had very little colour, so i set out to emphasise what colour there was. Even then I thought it needed a bit more colour, so I added some of my own.

Tugboat 25-02-16 00:21

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thought I would have a go at this now I am back home..just cropped and added another person into the frame

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