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Al Tee 24-01-07 09:18

Inspired or dejected
Hi all..
Ive been looking through the web for pictures to be inspired know..ah that looks good, thats different, maybe I can achieve something similar.
I found the site as per the following link & the standard of picture on there leaves me inspired somewhat but also gives me a feeling of "should I just give up now", "sell the camera"!!
Anyone else get similar feelings?
Have a look at the winners gallery here & see what you think.

Canis Vulpes 24-01-07 09:32

I say neither, If I see a photo I like I think - How was that done? or where were they?

I try to figure it out and attempt to repeat, sometimes it becomes a quest with it own rewards.

Never dejected!

Birdsnapper 24-01-07 12:55

Yup, know the feeling only too well. But be inspired - the satisfaction of taking a shot that pleases you is just wonderful.

Jon Sharp 24-01-07 17:11

All images like art are subjective. True if it's out of focus - it's out of focus, ditto exposure issues.

Many good photographers and honest professionals will tell you that many really exceptional images are more down to luck than judgement, the right place, right time etc etc. They may have visited a particular site many, many times just for a particular light, when you look at that gallery your not seeing the 999 other images they binned!

If every picture turned out brilliant would it be as interesting it's this constant learning and endevour that makes it fun.

I'm sure it's a published quote but when asked which is my favourite picture I've taken I always reply "the next one!" and inevatibly when I take it I don't...

nirofo 24-01-07 19:56

Just remember that the photo's on the link you gave are all pictures done by separate individuals, not from one persons gallery. Everyone has at least one picture that someone else would like to have taken.


Chris 24-01-07 21:02

This site undoubtedly has some unbeatable images, technically perfect and of a subject one might not see in a decade of ordinary life, but among them there are a lot that are 'clever' without being particularly beautiful and an occasional severly over-tarted one that can only be classed as an ephemeral fashion piece.

Be inspired and look forward to seeing yours there tomorrow! (or the day after)

However for alternative inspiration, may I suggest a good rummage in pbase - try Michal Zaleski for a start, but the variety is infinite, tho as its not moderated or selected, there is also a lot of rubbish

sassan 24-01-07 22:00

Haven't had enough time to see the site enough but I think I know why you felt that way. You are impressed but have no clue as how to make them, and worst, there is no chance of getting interacted or communicating with the photographers in case they will to share their technical info. Believe me none is difficult or unachievable by ordinary people like me and you, as long as you know what to do. If any one is a mater of concern, put a link in critique here and I am sure some can give a hint as to how to get there. This is very similar to Lello's nice champagne bottle, if you remember.

Christine 25-01-07 21:58

To be in the right place at the right time,perfect lighting,bird keeping still,hold the cam steady,you cannot go wrong.If you like your shot,then that is all that matters.If I have one shot from each batch taken I am happy.If you really do not understand your cam settings,then use the auto setting for a while.

miketoll 26-01-07 10:30

Enjoy other peoples photos but never let them spoil enjoying taking your own. Even the best photographers have to learn sometime and have to put in lots of time and effort. Learn from others and strive to improve but always have fun. Amateur footballers enjoy their games, they know they will never play in the premier league, but that does not matter.

meadowman 26-01-07 23:23

There are those who just sit back and admire and those who also analyze why something is good and build on it.
Don't get dejected, try lots of styles, experiment and, above all, have fun learning rather than beating yourself up about not being the perfect photographer.
Sometimes the magic touch comes after a lot of sweat and tears but better it comes after many fun hours of trying.

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