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Alan.P 21-04-08 18:40

1 Attachment(s)
I'd like a bit of help please as I am new to photography and if you look at my photo below you can see what I mean. The light looks wrong at the top right of the photo, I don't get this on all photos so can anyone advise me how to correct the problem. Please don't get too technical.

Don Hoey 21-04-08 20:28


Can you remember where the sun was relative to your camera position when you took this. There is the possibility that it is ......... technical term here ' flare '. If the sun is oblique onto the lens it would produce an similar effect.


miketoll 21-04-08 20:58

Looks like flare to me in which case shield the lens surface with a lens hood or even with a hand (out of shot) to prevent the oblique rays hitting the lens surface.

Susan Green 21-04-08 22:19

Use Metering lock. Or change metering mode on your camera (if posssible). Or Meter from the area which you want to have correctly, then recompose (reframe) your image holding the shutter button half way. This option most cameras (even point and shoot ) have. Another method is bracketing or last resort: everything can be fixed in Photoshop.


robski 21-04-08 22:51

I'd go for lens flare also. I assume your avatar is the camera your using. Not sure if you can get lens hood for this type of camera but shielding with your hand is the next best thing.

miketoll 22-04-08 16:07

If it is flare which I think it is then Susan's advice will not help I am afraid. That advice is for helping with an exposure problem whereas you have a local loss of contrast and none image forming light spoiling the shot ie flare.

Alan.P 22-04-08 18:45

Thanks to all who have given me advice, I think I'll try using my hand to shield the lens and see how I get on. Thanks again Alan. P

Susan Green 22-04-08 22:53

Hi Alan, I was looking again at your photo, but do not see a flare. Lens flare is basically glare from the rays of the sun (which I did not see here) or something that gives off a high amount of light.I think on this picture is seems more like an orb. If you want to identify a photo as either lens flare or a genuine orb photo here are some pointers that can help.First you should check the shape of the so-called "orb" or "orbs" in question. If they are not circular, for example, they are hexagonal in shape and are multi-colored then you most likely have lens flare. But here, I do not see any particular shape so I think it is an orb as they are always white in color. Or perhaps it is another phenomenon such as dust or drop of water on the lens... the like. It needs more experimenting.


Susan Green 22-04-08 23:19

I'd like to enclose an attachment to my post, but did not figer out how.


robski 23-04-08 01:29

Lens flare can take various forms - not all show satellite beams, ghosts or hexagon shapes.

Attached is some samples I've borrowed from the bobatkins site that illustrate flare in the top row and the bottom row show the benefit of a lens hood.

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