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davet47 03-09-17 14:06

Lens for macro shots
As you will know I'm using the Fuji X system cameras and lenses and the Fuji 60mm macro is too short for my liking-it's also slow to autofocus in certain conditions. The only longer lens with a Fuji mount that seems to be available is the Samyang 100mm f2.8 which gets good reviews but is manual focus and I'm not sure about my manual focusing skills! Does any one have any experience of this lens? or is there anything else I could use? I've looked at using older lenses via an adaptor but they would all be manual focus so if this is the situation the Samyang may be the only option. I would like to be able to try something before investing though.

Ade G 03-09-17 17:23

No knowledge of the lens but I use manual focus for nearly all my handheld macro. Set the focus to minimum distance and move the camera whilst looking through the viewfinder. Practice on flowers which don't move (except in the wind) I would say 100mm macro on your crop sensor will be ideal although the 60mm is 90mm equivalent on full frame. Maybe try the manual focus on the fuji before you splash out on another lens.

Rachael Alice 12-10-17 07:29

No idea about the macro shots but yeah, I used to capture shots with minimum distance for handy macro shot.

petrochemist 21-10-17 22:38

I've always though manual focus was the only way to do macro. I don't necessarily use the minimum focus distance (on some of my setups that would be touching the lens) but final focus is always by moving the camera (or subject).

My focusing skills are not spectacular but for macro they still tend to be better than AF. If I practiced them more I'm sure they'd improve too.

sassan 04-09-19 01:11

Today is Sep 9, 2019 at 5PM local time:

Fast forward two years, right down to date and hours!!!! Now what is your own opinion on the subject and what was your final decision / experience? Did you go with Rokinon or something else?

DoghouseRiley 06-10-20 15:02

I was told by some learned photographers that manual focus was the only way to do wildlife macro. So that's what I did. Personally the results were disasterous. I am not sure whether it is my aging eyes or my aging camera (it's not the latter), but the results were so bad I thought that the lense was a lemon.
I do believe that the "manual focus" advice goes back to the days when autofocus for macro was not good. One reason I ended up with the Tamron was because I saw a number of reviews commending the accuracy and speed of the autofocus.
With the majority of the insects on the move, to me, autofocus is the way to go.

blackadder 07-10-20 08:59

Macro choice
Dave, have you thought about the
Fujinon XF 80mm f/2.8 R LM OIS WR Macro ?
Bit big and heavy, but in reviews it gave excellent results.
Just a thought, Charles

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