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Gidders 09-12-15 18:00

Choosing POTW in 2016
The current system is that we have a panel of selectors who each take it in turns on a rota (currently about once every 7 weeks) to make their choice of and post it with a few words saying why they liked that particular photo. While the choice of one person each week possibly isn't representative, because each of us perhaps look for different things, we get a variety of styles & types of image winning, and personally I think it has worked well over the past 3 years & would like to see it continue in 2016.

Anyone can be on the panel and as the current rota finishes at the end of the year its an opportunity for new members to put themselves forward (and existing member to retire if they've had enough).

You might say "I don't feel qualified to choose" but it is a personal thing, you know what you like. There's no right or wrong answer...

So who would like to join the panel? I will post the detailed mechanics of how it works in the next post for reference & I will be drawing up the new rota over the Christmas so I'll set a deadline for people throwing their hats in the ring (or retiring) of Midnight 24th Dec

Gidders 09-12-15 18:07

Here's how it currently works
  1. We will have a rota of POTW Selectors - we currently have
    • Me - Gidders - Clive
    • Graham Harcombe
    • Tugboat - Trena
    • Nigel G
    • Mike7358
    • Ade G
  2. Sample rota <<<HERE>>> - everyone to please diarise their turns.
  3. If you are unable to manage any date for any reason - please pm all the other PTOW Selectors requesting a volunteer to pick up that date & update the rota
  4. POTW be chosen from all the photos posted in the gallery from 00.01 Sunday through to 24.00 Saturday GMT
  5. The person who's turn it is makes their choice on Sunday/Monday
  6. Start a new thread 'POTW - dd month yyyy'
  7. Quote the title of your chosen image & the name of the member who posted it
  8. Give an explanation of why the particular image has been chosen. This can be brief eg. 'I liked the colours' or 'good use of dof' or as detailed as the Selector wants.
  9. Post the winning image in the thread see <<<HERE>>> for instructions
  10. Check the rota & PM the next POTW Selector reminding them that its their turn next week

Ade G 10-12-15 17:12

I'm happy to remain on the panel/rota

Tugboat 13-12-15 19:28

I am also happy to stay on the list

graham harcombe 14-12-15 23:07

Happy to continue

Nigel G 16-12-15 10:36

...............and me :)

mike7358 16-12-15 17:26

Clive I would like a year off please - Mike

Gidders 16-12-15 20:06

No problem Mike, thanks for you help fro the past couple of years

Tugboat 16-12-15 20:30

sorry, I don't even know how to find the thread where the discussion is,I thought I wrote in there but I can't find it now!!!!

when we changed to POTW with members choosing the photo there wasn't any talk about it being the best photo you have ever seen....I also think that being such a small group of members who actually post anything at all that POTW is just that ,the best photo for the week, I said from the start I am not qualified to choose something for its technical merits, I choose something that appeals to me.... we all have different tastes...I always come and look to see what POTW is as well as check the gallery...

what about adding a photo of the month as an extra, with a moderator/moderators choosing the photo for the month with all its technical merits, then I can learn what to look for in a perfectly set out image!

then out of the monthly images you could choose a photo of the year?

just an idea.

sassan 19-12-15 02:07

Good suggestions by Trena.

Clive please make sure Mike knows his request for a year off can only be granted if he promise to contribute to gallery as usual or more.

Also Clive, if you are only short of panel members, you may add me, however on the same line of Good suggestions by Trena, I have a few words to add:

How about letting the winner of POTW be the chooser of the next week's winner on a set day of week, say Friday so that more visibility for weekend visiting photographer (That are usually more). This obviously excludes him/herself and self voting. This can generate a circle of more widespread participation however I am sure this will add to your work, to contact many new members who have less clue about what is happening to show their participation or rest of us who forget. There can be a set days that if the new winner can't contribute to circle for any reason, the same last person/a substitute selection would set in to determine the next responsible person.
Well just a thought.

Also I definitely welcome the Trena's idea of "Picture of Month" or "Picture of Year" however I would like to see this is not ONLY picked from the pool of POTM but entire images of the month including the POTM, (More chance for others nice images that can not be chosen due to shortage of choice), then, Only by Moderator's choice and a short essay of Merits of the Picture, as Moderator sees, from a positive critical angle. Obviously this can be more frequent than once a month, form moderators side, as per their discretion and depending on quality within the pool of gallery.

Additionally to bring on more participations by all, specially those members who can come with good ideas, only if that can be followed in a way to increase traffic, how about a new tread to suggest games with pictures and a theme. I remember for eg Lesleyr's macro image from an onion cut, when she got here Sigma Macro lens and asked us as to what it was, or more recently by Rob in this one: LINK only if these can be turned into a continuous type refreshing games.

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