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Alex1994 05-06-10 18:10

Photo Essay Competition - sign up period.
This is the first of (hopefully) many WPF Photo Essay Competitions.

The competition is for the best 'photo essay' as will be judged by popular vote. This is the definition of a photo essay that we will use:

A photo essay (or "photographic essay") is a set or series of photographs that are intended to tell a story or evoke a series of emotions in the viewer. A photo essay will often show pictures in deep emotional stages. Photo essays range from purely photographic works to photographs with captions or small notes to full text essays with a few or many accompanying photographs. Photo essays can be sequential in nature, intended to be viewed in a particular order, or they may consist of non-ordered photographs which may be viewed all at once or in an order chosen by the viewer. All photo essays are collections of photographs, but not all collections of photographs are photo essays. Photo essays often address a certain issue or attempt to capture the character of places and events.

All completed entries need to be posted in this thread by midnight GMT on September 1st, 2010.

Entries are to be submitted as either Word documents (.doc only), OpenDocument format (.odt) or Adobe PDF (.pdf). A minimum of text explaining each photograph is expected.

Any amount of text, subtitles, formatting etc is permitted, as is use of Photoshop and/or other photo editing software. It goes without saying that the photos and text should be your own work only.

Could all participants indicate they will be taking part by posting a brief note in this thread. At this point the specific subject you plan to cover does not need to be specified, merely if you will submit an entry or not.

Some excellent inspiration available here:

Have fun!

John Hallas 05-06-10 19:14

I will take part, although my original idea does not exactly fit the theme of telling a story or showing emotion.

Thank you for instigating the discussion and organising this competition.

Alex1994 05-06-10 19:48

Obviously I will submit a photo essay myself ;-)

shaz4 05-06-10 20:25

I'd like to have a go.....even though I'm not quite sure yet what it is exactly..:-)


Azimbern 06-06-10 08:16

An interesting and innovative idea. I will certainly give it a go.

Arthur53 06-06-10 09:48

Im in. Not a clue what will happen, Im like Shaz4 dont know what Im doing but will learn.
Good luck everyone.

surfg1mp 06-06-10 18:53

I cant I am so busy, but i will do my best...:)

yelvertoft 06-06-10 19:46

Thread now "stickied". I suggest that someone decides on a minimum number of pictures to be included in each essay portfolio.

Alex1994 07-06-10 11:58

That's a good idea yelvertoft, I think 5 should be the minimum number of pictures.

Azimbern 08-06-10 06:49

Comments and questions
1 Number of photos in the essay: I do not see that there should be any limit, upper or lower. A single photo can not be a photo essay, but a story can be created with 2 or more photos. Leave the number of photos open to the skill of the competitors.
2 Where will the competition entry files physically reside. In attachments to these messages, .odt's can not be uploaded, and .doc and .pdf files allowed are too small. Will the entry files be located on the entrants own web sites, and accessed via a link?
3 Why not allow .html entries as well as .doc .odt .pdf

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