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Chris 20-01-08 15:41

alternatives to CS3
When I joined the forum the conventional wisdom seemed to be that 'you are going to end up needing to use Photoshop, so might as well start now'.

I admit I have not got/used CS3, don't even think my computer would run it and anyway would rather put the cash to a new computer first. Did use PSE4 (cheapo CS2) for a while with FZ7 and later following DPP with CR2 from 350D as a host for FocusMagic and NeatImage and with curves plug-in.

Instinct led me to getting a Nikon (D80) and Nikon Capture NX and I find the combination superb and meeting 99% of my needs. (They do not include HDR, artificising). NX costs about £100 & free 30 day Trial (tho can be cheaper on e-bay, but do only buy correct regional version - see NX thread).

Most of the NX tools work on .jpg or .tif files and likewise if you need the other 1% it transfers elsewhere as .tif. They also work on whole or only part of the image and in combination using 'steps' which I find much easier to manage than 'layers'. For example you can convert to B&W with a blue filter on near-blown parts of an image and orange on the rest.

Resulting saved files can be in .NEF format which includes all the 'steps' open for re-edits using a minute fraction of memory required for .psd.

Rudra Sen 20-01-08 15:57


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 26377)
don't even think my computer would run it and anyway would rather put the cash to a new computer first.

Why do you say that Chris?

jamieZ740 20-01-08 17:53

CS3 has higher minimum requirments than previous adobe programs. as does NX.

Chris 20-01-08 19:35


Originally Posted by Rudra Sen (Post 26378)
Why do you say that Chris?

Have just checked, it probably would if I bought OS 10.4, but am not going to do that (a) because even 10.3 was a move too far, but has some trade-off benefits (b) when I absolutely must I will skip to 10.5 saving another £85

NX 1.3.1 seems OK on 10.3.9 now I have the correct version and there is a free patch for 10.5

gordon g 20-01-08 21:17

Lightroom does most things I need to do to my images. It will crop, correct colour, correct exposure, sharpen, remove dust (although I still find this last to be easier with PS7 - just a matter of practice I expect), convert to BW, and also acts as a catalogue and database for my images.
My PS use has decreased hugely since I started with LR.

greenbunion 20-01-08 22:17

But Lightroom can't be selective. You have to work on the whole image. How do you burn in the sky or dodge the shadows without a proper editing package.

Gidders 20-01-08 23:27

2 Attachment(s)
I use Lightroom, and am a fan but it is primarily a database/cataloguing tool. As Greenbunion says it cant be selective - that's where Photoshop comec in - CS2 in may case.

Now I don't know how flexible NX is, and whether is has the capability to make selections based on channel information, selectively blur (to soften skin tones) & sharpen (to empahsise eyes etc) which I use a lot in post processing my for example would you have been able to get from this Attachment 3956
the RAW file for my shot of Victoria in this months comp with exposure adjustments etc...

to the end result that I posted in my gallery Attachment 3959

Chris 21-01-08 09:08

I could just say 'yes' Clive, but I think that starting with a Canon and studio lighting and your professional level experience on portraiture, it would be over-doing things. Also you only need to pay for an upgrade and see what is new.

For what most of us encounter, ie trying to convert outdoor/location mug-shots to as near-portrait standard as we can achieve, NX has an additional goodie in the the 'U-point' technology that allows, typically, deep shading on parts of the face to be corrected very quickly and only where needed. Eye sharpening and pimple removing (only on men of course) are also quite easy.

I have done a bit in the NX thread on applying totally different treatments to one part of pic from another (to supplement Nikon tutorial).

If you care to e-mail me original CR2 of Victoria, I would love a play and to give her hair a shampoo to soften it a bit, otherwise a beautiful portrait.

Chris 21-01-08 09:19


Originally Posted by Gidders (Post 26409)
I use Lightroom, and am a fan but it is primarily a database/cataloguing tool. As Greenbunion says it cant be selective

I should make it clear that I do not rate NX for data-base/cataloguing. Being a mac user, I use GraphicConverter for that, about £50 I think. It slip-streams the mac finder database and has one or two other gems like its 'unskew' & 'local contrast enhancement' (can be done in CS, see cambridgeincolour tutorials) to restore clarity of complex reduced images and no-fuss slideshow for all or part of a folder.

For PCs you need one of the many other progs recommended in the forum & no idea how Lightroom compares.

gordon g 21-01-08 09:26


Originally Posted by greenbunion (Post 26403)
But Lightroom can't be selective. You have to work on the whole image. How do you burn in the sky or dodge the shadows without a proper editing package.

Yes - I agree, there are some things PS is needed for, particularly anything using layers as you suggest. It's just that I dont often need to do that.

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