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deci 07-11-09 03:17

Canon A1 coming
When I first picked up a digital camera, not for one minute did I think I'd ever pick up a film cam again, let alone be excited by it, but I've just ordered a 30year old A1 with a lowly 50mm 1.8 lens and can't wait until it gets here :)
The last film camera I had was a Canon T90 and was tempted to go there again, but they have LCD's on the top plate and they get a bit untrustwothy after 10 years, so this time I went for that ones daddy.

Going to use it exclusively for black and white and probably stick with that lens, I may fork out the exra few shillings for a f1.4 but this even has the commemorative 1980 winter olypics lens cap - how flashy's that?:cool:

yelvertoft 07-11-09 10:45


You might find this a useful link:

I don't know if you do your own D&P, but if you don't then this is the cheapest B&W I've found:

I still like film for mono, but found the cost somewhat prohibitive until I discovered the 7 day shop mailers. It's still by no means cheap, but it is more affordable than you can get elsewhere.

Alex1994 07-11-09 12:37

Sweet! The A-1 is a beautifully made camera--now you will return to the feeling of holding something properly hefty and solid, made by people who built it to last, not to fall apart. Those old metal SLRs will outlive a lot of digital cameras, despite being a lot older!

I wouldn't bother with the f1.4 lens, best save up and get a small tele for portrait/cat work.

deci 07-11-09 17:00

No I don't do my own processing, apart from the complaints from my other half being part disabled means I'd end up with most of the stuff on the floor :) Thanks for the links - I'll add them to my ever increasing A1 bookmarks.

Alex - Yeah, I remember borrowing one just before I got the T90, felt like you could break rocks with it and I can't really see my 30D taking many pics in 30 years time, even if I put it in airtight/humidity + temperature controlled storage now. Wimpy thing that it is. Not like in my day......... Used to have a handfull of cold gravel for breakfast as well, if we where lucky ;)
Agree on the lens...... I had a small mental problem last night (it'll be the excitement) and forgot that having a 50mm on a film cam would be like a 35mm on a 1.6 crop. I'm just so used to slapping a 50 on my cropper as a 'go to' lens for portraits/cats/just about everything else. So I'll be after something like an 85mm..... Will have to look around and see whats available.

Alex1994 07-11-09 18:27

Yeah, 85 or 100mm is a good focal length to have as these lenses are still fairly compact (in many cases not much bigger than the 50) but offer a closer perspective without being too close. I hear the Canon FD 100mm f2.8 is a nice piece of glass.

Joe 07-11-09 19:14

Congrats to you. There's some very nice glass out there in the FD fitting, which can be had for not much money at all.

deci 08-11-09 01:31

Just been around the 'previouslly loved' (second hand to you and me) and as I like natural light photos there doesn't seem to be all that many what I would call fast (<f2) lenses going cheap.
Still to see an 85mm never mind pick one up. 100 is just a touch too long for how I see me using this - In slightly cramped/close up kennels and/or bars.

Adey Baker 08-11-09 08:08


Originally Posted by deci (Post 39877)
Just been around the 'previouslly loved' (second hand to you and me) and as I like natural light photos there doesn't seem to be all that many what I would call fast (<f2) lenses going cheap.
Still to see an 85mm never mind pick one up. 100 is just a touch too long for how I see me using this - In slightly cramped/close up kennels and/or bars.

Just had a quick look in this week's Amateur Photographer and one of their regular advertisers, 'Camtech' have both 85mm F1.2L (Mint-) at £495 and F1.8 (Mint-) at £165 which I suppose is about what you'd expect for those specs. Also, a 28mm F2 (Mint-) at £145

Alex1994 08-11-09 12:15

That's a tad steep, Olympus OM Zuiko lenses are definitely far cheaper! I find f2.8 is enough for natural light photography.

This may be useful to you:

Adey Baker 08-11-09 22:02


Originally Posted by Alex1994 (Post 39881)
That's a tad steep, Olympus OM Zuiko lenses are definitely far cheaper! I find f2.8 is enough for natural light photography.

The closest Olympus do to deci's requirements (<F2) is the 85mm F2 but there are no dealers' offers that I can find in the same 'AP' issue to compare - likewise, the Zuiko 28mm F2. There are a few 28mm F2.8 Canons from other dealers at prices between £20 and £39 (the Zuiko F2.8 28mms are £39 and £69 whilst the older F3.5s range from £35 to £55).

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