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Snowyowl 03-09-06 12:55

Fixing Backgrounds
2 Attachment(s)
On several occasions I've tried to improve the background in a picture (using PS7) and always find it very tough to do. I use the magnetic lasso to outline the subject, Invert the selection, then use Gaussian Blur. I find it difficult to accurately follow the edges of the subject and tend to chop off small pieces like feathers that stick out or the edges of petals. The attached is one of my more successful efforts but I would like to hear how other people approach the job. Are there some tips or techniques that would make things easier or is my way completely wrong? Changing the brightness of a sky is a similar problem for me, I usually end up with a thin band separating earth and sky. I've seen the results that other people get and they are impressive. I don't do these tasks very often but there are times when it would be really useful.

ghherd 03-09-06 13:51


Most techniques I've seen recently don't use magnetic lasso, but rather rely on differences in contrast to make selections. Split the image into its RGB components, and look at each Component layer to see which one's contrast best isolates the features you want to keep or change. Make the selection using selection brush or lasso in one component layer, then go back to 'combined RGB' mode and proceed.

You might take a look at It gives an example in PS of isolating a subject with wispy hair.

I recall years ago seeing a writeup in POp Photo on a software plugin that handled halo-less selections of difficult subjects, but I don't recall the product name. Perhaps someone else knows the name of currently available products that work that magic.

I'll be interested in seeing all the other responses you get to your question.

Craftysnapper 03-09-06 18:04

Snowy, as you have proberbly discovered as well as the selection problem, you also get with this method a blurry halo around the image. I would suggest trying to use the extract filter in PS7 in conjuction with this little tutorial of mine that will explain why you get a halo when just selecting and blurring:)


Snowyowl 04-09-06 13:18

Thanks, guys. Hopefully there will be some more comments on the subject.

Saphire 11-10-06 19:53

I use various methods to change the backgrounds, if the main subject is easy to separate then I use the magic wand with the Q key. If its a bit more difficult then I may use the extract tool. for scenic shots I use the advanced settings in shadow and highlights and play with the sliders.

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