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Chandler 08-05-11 09:42

Stratford butterfly Farm
Hello all!

First of all, my mrs referred to me the other day as a "pansy" because I kicked up a fuss and wanted to toto the butterfly farm.
Now my lady hates anything that flaps! So we spent most of the time hiding in the corner with her eyes shut. However she did manage to soldier through the enclosures. Bless her! Sadly due to us rushing from one area to the next I never managed to snap any decent photos up. It wasn't untill she walked around the shop for a while that I managed to have a very quick walk around and then discovered my macro switch on my lens. Hurrah some nice photos started to appear. Sadly I had to leave. Massively disappointed with the poor photos I got.
However shall I let this get me down? Oh most certainly not. This to me says "oppotunity" now is my chance to go back to the Stratford butterfly farm and take some more photos. Coming more well prepared. I'll also be taking my iPad this time so I can review my photos better before leaving dissatisfied.
So as these butterflies are clearly used to bring around humans ( as to my girlfriends total disgust several spent the entire time on her hat, having what I could only perceive as a butterfly nectar party ) I'm wondering if anyone else has taken a trip here to take photos? And if anyone would like to get together here and share tips and techniques, I have plenty to learn and would massively appreciate any help that can be tossed my way :-)

Ill upload some of the photos later when I'm off work and off call!


miketoll 08-05-11 19:07

Reckon you need to go back on your own or with like minded friends. Funny things phobias, cant see what the fuss is with butterfly's but if it was spiders or millipedes or similar wild horses could not drag me in.

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