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ARCHIE 02-02-18 13:30

Image Comments
Someone on the gallery has left comments on one of my images saying (too nice evening shots but do take part in acknowledging other people's work too) just like everyone on hear you can leave open the Critique Required? bit so other members can have a say. i look at his images & the Critique Required? is not open on any of this members images. my point is if you like something you tell everyone you like it. im not one for Criticising other members work but i will let any member no that an image is good or i like it. i have also informed the member that there is a forum to voice thing's not to blast someone's image. hes also pointed out but saying things like good image, well done, ect is just like been on facebook. not sure what this new member wants :confused:

cuilin 02-02-18 20:31

archie, i believe the concern is that this forum is a very small one that seems to be getting smaller. as another new member i can usually count on 3 or 4 people to comment on my images. however there seems to be at least 8 or 9 people regularly posting images. it's not that they're not commenting on my images, they're not commenting on anybody's. it is frustrating when people post and run. as for the critique required, i try to remember to put something in there, but it is an extra step that doesn't always happen (maybe change this so a comment is required if we don't want a critique. nearly everyone allows critiques.)
i'm not asking you directly, archie, this is more of an open question to everyone - when was the last time you posted a photo and when was the last time you commented on someone else's photo?

robski 02-02-18 22:23

I can appreciate that Stan is trying to wake us from our slumber and make the site more active. As I have said on many occasions I am one of the guilty for not making many comments. To be honest I rarely find the time these days to view the site and make comments. Today an example of working 11hrs getting things ready for a Trade show next week. I tend to use the number views as a barometer to whether an image has created some interest with people. Good to see people experimenting with different ideas. Nice to see some quality work from Clive this week. Now the dark winter days are starting to fade away maybe a few more will get their mojo kick started again.

Gidders 02-02-18 22:39

Thanks Rob. It's the first time I've posted for about 12 months but I agree the site is shrinking & has been for a while. Sad to say that it's probably fallen below the critical numbers needed to keep it afloat. There just isn't enough activity to stimulate interest & keep people coming back. :(

robski 03-02-18 14:54

Yes I'm fully aware of the direction the site has been going in recent years. In the beginning I made comments to Christine, Duncan and Andy about how the site was very slow to pick up. But with the keen interest of the likes of Don Hoey and his DIY projects the site picked up. It's unlikely we will get the same hit rate again with the general public interest in photography waning. Maybe if we all make a conscious effort to make a couple of comments a week on various topic it may make new members feel worth while to stay for longer. For the Gallery comments instead of saying good shot etc perhaps we should be more like Facebook and say "I like it".

Gidders 05-02-18 18:12


Originally Posted by robski (Post 59738)
... with the general public interest in photography waning...

I'm not sure this is the case Rob, although it maybe depends on how one defines photography. Facebook reports around 350 million pictures being posted per day & Instagram around 40 million per day. OK so you could argue with some justification that those posters are not interested in photography as an art form. But if you look at Flickr, which think has a much greater number of "photographers" they are still reporting ~50 million per month.

I wonder how much any lack of general public interest is do to the rise of the phone camera. Convenient, always with you, generally does a reasonable job of exposure & adjusting ISO to get a higher enough shutter speed make shape images. But actually creating interesting, creative images with a fixed ~30mm equivalent, fixed ~f2 lens is quite challenging. It much easier to create interesting images with a "proper" camera where you have more creative control. Without any training about how to creating interesting images (composition / angles / view points etc etc ) phone camera photography is like candy floss - instant gratification but no long term satisfaction - which maybe contribution to the waning interest to which you allude.

I have in mind to develop a training course to try to address the issue of boring phone camera photography - of course whether anyone enrols or not remains to be seen!

stan 05-02-18 18:35

all I was saying is for someone to acknowledge other people's work not just put shots on and bypass other people on here we would like to know what I can do better and how to do better that's all I was saying,I'm sorry if that's got some people's backs up that is not my intentions

wolfie 05-02-18 19:33

Stan I acknowledge other peoples work if I consider the resulting image to be worth commenting on, not just for the sake of commenting. However I must admit to being a little frugal in my comments of late, mainly due to my fading interest in photography. probably due to old age. Hopefully my interest will improve when Spring as sprung.


Gidders 05-02-18 20:17


Originally Posted by stan (Post 59747)
all I was saying is for someone to acknowledge other people's work not just put shots on and bypass other people on here we would like to know what I can do better and how to do better that's all I was saying,I'm sorry if that's got some people's backs up that is not my intentions

If you'd like people to comment on your work, then I suggest that, when uploading, you put something in the "critique required" box. Ever since someone took objection to some constructive feedback I gave that wasn't asked for, I don't generally don't comment - positive or constructive criticism, where the author hasn't indicated that feedback is welcome.

Tugboat 05-02-18 22:11

Hi Stan, I usually comment on things that catch my eye, I have no idea how to tell someone how to make their shot better,I just know I like what I like. I think everyone is still trying to better themselves,the learning never ends, just keep taking photos of what you like, and enjoy it...there is a critique section on the home page to get full on critique if there is anyone left here who still looks there, we don't have many active members anymore.

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