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Jon Sharp 09-02-07 15:41

CD Cataloging Software
Has anyone found/used any good software for organising photo libraries. I'm not talking about picassa or lightbox, but something that can read the contents of a CD, import the data and exif information, preferably which keywords and anyother indexing can also be added?

I found great packages that catalog CD's and great packages that create photo libraries but non that seems to do both. I'm looking for something that might help me if someone in 5 or 10 years time asks for a copy of a particular image I can find it on whatever back-up medium it stored (CD/DVD external harddrive etc.)

chris02 09-02-07 15:50


Extensis Portfolio is a handy bit of kit, I have around 4K pics all with key words, exif data.

walwyn 30-09-07 22:25

I'm looking for something in this area too.

Just tried out the Extensis Portfolio demo, but its not really what I'm after. Firstly it failed to create about 10% of the thumbnails during a scan of a DVD, and they had to be regenerated after the initial scan had finished by reselecting the missing thumbs. As I name everything with location and date it did automatically create location keywords. It also seemed to be fairly easy to add other keywords to groups of files. However it had a propensity to sit doing nothing a lengthy periods of time. For example when I removed the DVD, selected a couple of images and told it to copy them some where else it sat spinning its heels, cancel didn't work and I eventually had to kill it.

Basically what I want is to be able to catalogue DVDs full of photos, add keywords to groups of files, and then later on do searches like: 'diptera' or all 'darters photographed in Warwickshire'.

I want to be able to select the photos, tell the program to copy them to the 'images' directory, and have the program prompt me for the CD/DVDs I need to insert.

Anyone know of anything that will do that?

sassan 01-10-07 06:11

Add me to the list of interested ones too.
But at the price that picasa is offered at google (Free) I have no problem to deal with the other limitations it offers as is.

walwyn 01-10-07 10:50

I have stuff that will create albums of photos that are on the computer. PhotoImpact, Nero, and there is stuff that came with the cameras too.

The problem is they don't work too well once you've copied the data off to DVDs.

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