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Old 03-09-06, 14:06
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Originally Posted by Stephen Fox
I may have been suffering hardware issues yesterday. Today I have processed 10 photos using NX. To save RAM I now edit in NX, save NEF then save TIFF in a folder on desktop. Close NX entirely then open TIFF in CS for further editting. I find this much faster and without any problems today. Some of todays photos have 20 or so control points. I now have confidence in NX V1.01.

Hi Stephen

I had a feeling it was your computer rather than the NX v1.01 software that was causing your problem. I've used both versions without any hangups so far, in both cases rendering times were more than acceptable.

It seems to me that somewhere in the background, your computer is busy doing something that's hogging your memory, antivirus software springs to mind, but Microsoft are notorious for ringing home to do things to your computer without your knowledge! I make sure all the Microsoft useless rubbish is disabled, especially Windows update, you can always re-enable it again if you really need to, though why you would I don't know?

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