Thread: D80 vs D200
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Old 30-10-06, 22:13
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Don Hoey Don Hoey is offline  
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I have to agree with Duncan and Sassan here.


I have had a D100 and can still use Stevies. Swapped my D100 for an X as I found the eye relief a bit short for me on the D200 as I wear glasses.

To take advantage of the increased resolution you really do need good glass. I have a mix of quality manual focus AIS lenses, and mid priced AF lenses. With the mid priced lenses on a high mp camera I find I have to shoot at f8 - f11 to max the image sharpness, but at times that can be a pain, so end up using M/F lenses if I have to go with a wider aperture.

Are you using RAW or Jpeg in the D100. I found a large quality increase when I had sufficient computer power to go to RAW. D100 obviously prefers RAW.

D80 or D200, then I would say D200 unless you do not require the extra features.

For images with a D200 and good glass, look at Avi and Leifs galleries.

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In your case the lens IS the weakest link. A move to D80 will not, I believe, give you any improvement that you will see in terms of image quality. The D80 sensor will out resolve your current lens.

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