Thread: Lens Hoods
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Old 09-11-06, 13:26
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Default Lens Hoods

I've been trying to buy a hood for my 58 mm Canon 70-300 lens locally for several months and the local store hasn't had any success ordering one for me (they are rather poor at what ehy do).
Finally yesterday the store owner called to say that she had some of the collapsible rubber style in stock. I wanted a hard plastic hood, preferably in the "flower' shaped style. I can't find anything in my books on the pros and cons of the different lens hoods. Can anyone help with some advice on the subject or perhaps a reference to where I can find information? I used to use the rubber hoods on my 35 mm lenses but I have never seen one used on a dSLR. I wonder why not. Are they not as good? I doubt if they protect the lens as well as the rigid hoods.
I know that has the hoods in stock but that means a cross border purchase that can involve duty etc and can get to be a bit of a nuisence. I'll probably go that route depending on what comments I get to this thread.
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