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Old 28-11-06, 09:09
Alex Paul Alex Paul is offline  
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Bahamas
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Dave: You did a great job with the shots and the stack.....I am in awe that you got the shots with a 200mm lens..... I may have to give my 400 a go with my telescope mount.... The stability would be outstanding, and obviously these lenses have plenty of resolving power with great optics. I know my 100-400 has a fluorite element and it shows no false color or CA so I would love to give it a go.... Once again very nicely done.....It has been a while since I have astro imaged and my bet is you have done a better job on these than I will manage for a while until I am back in the groove...... Skies have been hazy with large batches of clouds going through, and so seeing is less than nice and of course we have a 3/4 moon right now so even with the breaks in clouds there is more light than I want to deal with..... Hopefully in the next week or so we will have clear skies..... You guys really have me itching to get at it again.....Take care.....Alex
I know they are soft, I know they are out of focus, I know they lack contrast, I know my sensor needs to be cleaned, I know they are noisey, I know I should crop a little off the left side, I know I should find another hobby, but other than that how do you like them??..
Gear: Yes

Last edited by Alex Paul; 28-11-06 at 09:12.
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