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Old 12-01-07, 14:37
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nirofo nirofo is offline  
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Join Date: Dec 2005
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The thing about RAW versus JPEG depends realistically on what you intend to do with your final image? If it's just for showing on the web or for producing enprint sized hard copies then JPEG is more than adequate. If on the other hand you intend doing more with your images, such as publishing in glossy mags, exhibition prints or for making your fellow club members jealous then it's RAW all the way. Natural history photography, insects, birds etc, demands the maximum detail that can be obtained, once again RAW holds the most detail and is capable of superior enlargement without blowing. It's horses for courses, decide what you want to do with your final images, for most general photographers I think JPEG fine will suit, if you're into Landscapes, Natural History or Macro subjects then it's got to be RAW, you can always make a JPEG from your RAW file, you can't make a RAW file from a JPEG!

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