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Old 27-01-07, 15:54
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I am soooo angry!!!!
I went into my local Jessops to talk to them about a D80 about 3 days ago, I asked about price matching, they they do not price match, so I informed them that the price on their website was £20.00 cheaper (using sale20 voucher) The guy in the store said if I printed the page off the web he could do it for the same price.
So I printed the page last night (Fri 26th Jan) and went to the store today (Sat 27th) I asked to buy the D80, They went into their store room and came back with new D80 boxed (although the box did look a bit tatty) They then rung up the price which was £20.00 more than my print out, I then showed them the web printout (to the same guy I saw 3 days before) but he said that was a web offer and could not match, I explained that it was him that told me to get web print out and come back to get the £20.00 off, but he kept telling me that offer was web only. At this stage I was getting a little angry explaining to him that I was saving his company postage if I bought the D80 from him now in store, (free delivery if bought off the INTERNET from Jessups) but He would not budge and kept telling me he could not sell me the D80 for the same price as their website.We now had a shop full of customers who could not believe what they were hearing!! when asked if he would rather loose a sale than do a deal he said he could not match his own company website price and that was that!!! So up till now Iv'e held back judgement on Jessups, well not now, I still find it hard to believe that they let me walk out of the shop without selling me the D80 I even had my credit card out ready to pay.They have lost a sale and a future customer as I will not be going back there again (see " customers" photo in my gallery)
They did not loose me seconds, It was about 10 minuets

No amount of security is worth the suffering of a life lived chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.


Last edited by Lello; 27-01-07 at 15:58.
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