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Old 28-01-07, 09:55
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Just a note following on about my visit to Jessops. The reason I went into the store last Wednesday was to look at a lens to compliment the D80 I was going to buy. I had been speaking to Don over the last week or so about lens's and between Don and me we came up with the Sigma 70-200f2.8 lens. So last Wednesday asked the guy in Jessops if he had the Sigma in stock for me to look at (to give me an idea of size/weight etc) he said they only had the Canon mount, so he got a new lens out of the box and attached to a Canon 400D for me to look at, I had a play it (very nice lens indeed) and at that point is when I asked him for a price for D80 body only and the sigma (which he said would have to be special order for the Nikon mount. The price was just over £1300.00 so when I showed up on Saturday and we had a disagreement about the price (at least £20.00) we did not as far as talking about the lens, I'm not saying I would have put an order in for the lens, but who knows, maybe if they would have been more customer focused!! the point is the guy knew that I was not a time waster when I showed on Saturday up to buy the d80, and even if I had not ordered the lens Yesterday
If I came out a happy shopper then I might have gone back for the lens at some point. So potentially they may have lost a sale of over £1300.00 (maybe they don't really want to make money?) And I might still phone the number that Joe gave me just to vent my frustration out on them. (I could have been out today taking photographs with my new cam )

No amount of security is worth the suffering of a life lived chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.

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