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Old 28-01-07, 11:25
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It's obvious from this that the service does vary from one branch to another, or indeed one sales advisor to another.
Like most retail outlets we have what's known as a monthly 'gap busters'....a mystery shopper to everyone else. It's one of several ways head office can get a snapshot (pardon the pun) view of current staff training levels areas of strength and areas where something is needed....
It's clear something is needed here!

Lello, if you call that number , it doesn't just increase the chance of help for yourself, but it also quite effectively turns a spotlight on to that particular branch...head office will then ask the branch the 'whys' and 'whats' and 'wheres' of improvement.

In summary, the more customers who express unhappiness about Jessops service they've received DIRECT TO CUSTOMER LIASON at Jessops, the more likely something will change at Jessops.
I would actively encourage people to ring head office, customer liason 0116 232 6111

Unfortunately, I can only relay what's being said on here back as an employee.......believe it or not it has much more impact if the customers approach Jessops themselves with concerns, rather than post here.

Most of all.......enjoy your cameras, and hope you get some good shots

Last edited by Joe; 28-01-07 at 11:29.
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