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Old 20-02-07, 16:28
robird robird is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: County Clare, Ireland
Posts: 46

I’m sorry, Chris, but I have to totally disagree with you. Not because I am one of those cases you are referring to, but because I believe it may encourage more useless commentary like: Lovely picture - or - Nice Picture – or – Cool – or - Great stuff. See, I would have already gained 4 points. Wouldn’t even have to look at the picture, just drop off my comments as new images get posted. Not sure why they do it, probably to collect points to be called ‘senior’ or something. But I think you know what I’m talking about.
At the same time I also believe that ‘A truly great picture’ or ‘Absolutely brilliant’ may be all that one can/need say about some images, because there is just nothing more to say about it.

I don’t get as much time as I would like to browse in the forums and the galleries, so my commenting will be quite scarce. So will my album submissions. I’ll be lucky to get an entry in every month, but I will try. Since I’ve only got a ‘real’ camera for the last 2 years, I don’t have a picture stock to suit every competition.
Maybe an age limit of the submitted picture would be good. That activates people’s creativity, rather than make them dig through their old pictures.

I would completely agree with the suggestion that the pictures should be posted anonymously until voting is over. That would cut out personal preferences and other politics and would have people vote for the pictures. Unless I got it all wrong, it is the picture that counts, is it not?
The votes are not visible until one voted, anyway, and that’s the way it should be.

BTW, is it not impossible to vote for oneself as things are?

Well, our moderator doesn’t seem to feel too enthusiastic about changes. Just as much as this thread was answered with little enthusiasm, so was what I posted in last months voting thread
1,947 Members and 30 voters - that's a bit slack, isn't it?
Just cast my vote, anyway. We now have 1,947 Members and 31 voters
Mr. Fox only had the following to say:
We have a core of approx 100 regular visitors and the others tend to visit as and when. All members welcome and entitled to vote.
rather than joining in with a cheerful: “Come on everybody, get voting!”

My following post, suggesting some small change on the site to encourage more voters didn’t receive any reaction.
May I suggest adding a link to the ‘What's Going On?’ section on the index page of the forum as well as to the top of the index page of the gallery leading directly to the present monthly voting page.
In fairness, Mr. Fox did act on:
I also believe that the voting page needs a clearly visible link to the gallery page that holds the entries and vice versa.
Although I don’t think it was purely in response to my suggestion

Summery of changes I would like to see:
Anonymous competition entries
Entries should not be older than 12 months
More links pointing to the voting page
More communication and enthusiasm by our moderator
More of:
Welcome to WPF, possibly the most friendliest photography forum on the web. I am sure it will brighten your day.


Last edited by robird; 20-02-07 at 16:40.
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