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Old 03-03-07, 08:35
robski robski is offline
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Originally Posted by steve2005 View Post
Judging by the level of customers present in the World Camera Centre in Birmingham over the Christmas period, I'm amazed they are still open. The staff levels were out stripping the customers.
We have three Jessops in Birmingham. The only one worth it's salt is on Colmore Row, this was a Cequip store which Jessops bought out. It is the only store where the staff have any knowledge of there products.
The last twice I used Jessops World Camera Centre I had bad information. The first was when I needed a Nikon Remote for my D70s, I enquired how much they were only to be told, after he consulted the till, was £176.00. When I asked why they were that much the assistant said it's because it has Nikon written on it!! In reality it cost approx £14.
The last time I wanted a USB 2 PCI card, only to have the assistant tell me that they didn't stock them as he clearly did not know what they were. I insisted they did and he went off and returned with one in his hand, which I bought.
It isn't just prices that people baulk at with Jessops, it's bad advice and service as well as the prices. Thank god we have a Jacobs in Birmingham were the staff are friendly give good advice and match web prices.
It's a shame really because Jessops could be "Number 1 in photography" as their display material suggests if they got these problems sorted out. Customer satisfaction seems to be the except at Jessops rather than the norm.

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