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Old 12-03-07, 16:55
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Originally Posted by sassan View Post
On subject of contact to other people rather that taking their picture, I have a very close approach to Jonathan and Ollie. Though my friendship has never grown to that extend, I never hesitate to open the discussion when I see a common ground and most of time I have enjoyed the end result. For most cases, the co photographer will receive a paper with few web sites such as WPF's url address from me and I have come to know interesting things in return.
That is one thing i love about the internet, i can come here and talk cameras and photography and meet people with similler interests or maybe not so similler interests and we can have a civil discusssion.
So often in life i mention that im a photographer to my so called 'freinds' and i just get strange looks or the typical comment of 'Oh thats nice'.
I feel i have built up a godd freindship and commaradery with several members of this board and i have met Stephan and thats great. I do hope to meet more in the future. For me the internet breaks down bounderys between people, i am quiet young (20 to be precise) and often in life i would not talk to people much older than me but here age is no matter. We all share a similler interest and the commaradery here for me is great.
We maybe worlds apart in experiance, age, knowledge, subjects etc but we all seem to enjoy the banter that goes on here. Im constantly fascinated by threads like 'Photographing the moon' and 'Flash photography - Daunting or fun'. The never ending stream of amasing photos, techniques and ideas has me hooked. I just wish i had the time to have a go at these things. It always makes me smile when i read the welcome threads and someones posted something along the lines of 'welcome to the most freindly photography forum on the net'. To me ive come across so many forums this is the most freindly by a good way.

Last edited by ollieholmes; 12-03-07 at 17:01.
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