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Old 12-05-07, 11:46
finlaw finlaw is offline  
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Thanks for the feedback. It is very much appreciated. When you ask friends etc they just tell you it's great and don't offer any constructive critisism.

The images are all now bigger and watermarked which I ended up doing in PS. They still pop up in their own window but you can click anywhere in the window to close it.

The menu, well I used a template and I'm having difficulty increasing the font without losing half the menu and I can't figure out how to increas the spacing. I have however made a couple of changes to it. When you role your mouse over the items they change colour and move out a bit (sorry don't know how to describe this properly) so it should now be easier to see what you are selecting while I am waiting on feedback on editing the template.

If you don't mind please take another look and let me know what you think.

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