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Old 01-07-07, 12:32
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Originally Posted by Adey Baker View Post
You won't have any problems just opening and closing jpegs to look at, etc. The problem comes when you want to change them in any way, which then requires a 'save.' It's at this stage that saving them as tiffs is most useful.........
many modern compact digicams just have jpg available which is fine for speed and for normal sized photos is not a great problem- saving a file just once as a jpg will not be too harmful
My compact is jpegs only so I always keep the original file and any alterations are done as a copy and saved in a lossless format (adobes own psd) so as to not lose anything. If I want to save space I could then convert back to jpeg which should result in no loss but still as a copy. The psd could then be deleted but I mainly just keep the psd and don't bother with the second conversion.
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