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Old 07-01-06, 15:52
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Roy C Roy C is offline  
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"The Athlon is a very basic CPU and is OK for most programs. It maybe the program wants to use features in the higher spec CPUs which are missing in the Athlon and ends up using a long winded squence with commands available in the Athlon."

I do not agree that the Athlon is a very basic CPU - I consider them to be equal if not better than the same speed Intel pentiums. AMD do make a basic CPU but this is a 'Duron' which is akin to the Intel Celerons.
I agree that the 2800 is not the speediest by todays standards but neither is the equivilent speed Pentium.
My last three PC's have all been Athlons and I have never had any performance problems (currently running a Athlon 3400 - 64bit CPU).

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