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Old 27-07-07, 19:45
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Andy Andy is offline  
Join Date: Dec 2005
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The 300/2.8 is a great portable walkaround lens for bird photography (superb with 1.4x or 1.7x tc)... but if you're even thinking of saving for a 400/2.8, then tripod use is certainly on your mind (as you can do nothing else with that beast). To be honest, I'd put your money towards a Sigma 500 f4.5 prime (although you may have to use a slightly modified Nikon tc-14e teleconverter to work with that).

Must admit, as an ambition, a 500/4 or 600/4 would be the better choice for most bird photographers than a 400/2.8, which is a bit short for most, despite it's light gathering abilities... and it sounds as if you're struggling a bit with reach as it is.

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