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Old 08-01-06, 01:09
windyridge50 windyridge50 is offline  
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Originally Posted by Bob Hastie
Thanks for that, I'll read it a couple more times but I think I've just about got it.
One quick question though.
The legs on my tripod are assymetrical in that they are circular with a flat on one side. Do I assume these would be considered symetrical as any wind would hit a rounded surface at some point whilst passing over the legs?
it is likely that only one leg would be excited at any one time when the flat surface was at right angles to, and on the reverse surface to the airflow, in this case the other two legs would not be. A search on google for "Von karman", "Vortex street" , "Vortex shedding"+vibration (logical AND), "flow induced vibration"will throw up several references "Google Scholar" is probably best as this directly accesses university sites.
I had a quick look and this gives a concise picture of the vortex shedding phenomena.
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