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Old 07-08-07, 19:04
Posts: n/a

OK Gordon, should have waited for pic

the background to the kite is sufficiently homogenous to select with 'magic wand' with tool options set to about 4. Then inverse selection, copy and paste which will go to a new layer. But there are one or two grey bits within the bird that you then have to select with the rectange marquee and copy and paste. Then merge bird layers till nowt missing. Then tidy edges with eraser set fine. When doing final select also reduce the selection by 1 pixel.

You now have bird ready to copy and paste onto background....but it is too big and too well defined for realism and light is from wrong side.

At this stage I lost patience with PS (as I usually do, the idea of someone enjoying using it I find bizarre, but Christine can take over)

A suggested draft reversing bird, scaling to 80%, lighten about 10% and increase contrast back 5% looks like this (but done in Color-it). When you have bird where you want it, you will possibly find a few odd pixels around fringe that need copying to bird or new background colour.
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