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Old 11-02-08, 09:18
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yelvertoft yelvertoft is offline  
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Default Sigma 100-300 f4

I know there's at least one member out there using this lens, I'd like some feedback on how usable it is and if anyone has used it with a 1.4x teleconvertor. I know this is a physically large lens and am concerned that if it's too big I'd never bother taking it out and about. also, if I'm doing stuff where I need a long lens, I probably want a bit more than 300mm - hence the query on 1.4x t/con. How usable is it with a t/con? I know that my Sigma 135-400 is utterly useless with a convertor and don't want to find myself disappointed with this combo.

Before anyone says "You don't wnat to but one of them, you need lens [insert esoteric long tom lens name here]......", bear in mind that you probably can't get that item in a Pentax fit, and I'm not going to swap systems for the sake of a lens that probably won't get a lot of use. As it is, I'm struggling with even considering buying an £800 lens for the low usage it will get when I already have the 135-400.

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