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Old 19-02-08, 10:36
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Originally Posted by walwyn View Post
So at what speed can you hand hold with a 200-300mm zoom and still get a reasonable image?
I'd say there's no hard and fast rule here, it all depends on the user and the equipment you're using. Debbi (Mrs Y) regularly gets acceptable results using here 50-200 lens on my old *istDS (APS-C sensor) at the long end of the range with shutter speeds down at 1/15th, an example is here:
It should be noted that this camera and lens has no AS/IS/VR etc. but it is an exceptionally small, light body and lens combination, and Debbi does seem to have a certain knack, there's no way I can get the same results without using AS but she just reels them off.

All I can suggest is you get the camera/lens combo you're interested in using and peel off numerous test shots, critically analyse the results and decide for yourself how slow you can go with an acceptable rate of keepers. There will be an element of luck involved, I have had good results at 1/2 second with a 55mm lens fitted and anti-shake switched on, but this was luck and not repeatable. Also, subject movement and deliberate techniques such as panning will have an effect.
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