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Old 23-02-08, 07:33
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Adey Baker Adey Baker is offline  
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Originally Posted by Chris View Post

Related question if not already answered - what circumstances would f.2.8 or lower be useful for other than pankakes flat on?

Depth of field increases with the distance from the subject so, at the 50mm end of your zoom, a landscape shot at F2.8 should show reasonable d o f.

As I understand it, the actual size of the aperture when viewed from the front of the lens controls depth of field. Thus, at a given distance your lens at 150mm, F 2.8, will have the same d o f as a 300mm at F5.6 or a 600mm at F11.

Taking this a bit further, if you put yourself in the subject's position, then from a great distance even a big fast telephoto lens will appear to have just a pinhole-sized aperture - hence those 'stacked-up' effects of distant detail are all pretty sharp even though they may be some distance apart in reality. It's the distance that provides the effect, the lens just selects how much of the scene is recorded.

Please feel free to shoot me down in flames if I've got this wrong

'Write when there is something you know: and not before: and not too damned much after' Ernest Hemingway
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