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Old 11-03-08, 11:09
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Al Tee Al Tee is offline  
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I can see your point here but I can also see it from the ‘mods’ point of view too. (Not the censorship point).

I believe you are correct that the point you made was a valid point from your personal assessment of the POTW. This is a ‘forum’ and as I understand that to mean, ‘an assembly or meeting place for the discussion or questions of our mutual interest’. In other words, an opportunity to express your points of view and likewise to enlighten ones self to alternative thoughts after perusing the views of others which may contradict your own.

I hence believe you are quite right to be questioning the removal of your point of view.

Alternatively; I believe the POTW was introduced as ‘another topic of interest’, on a weekly basis, to add further appeal to this forum. Also, it added a bit of ‘esteem’ to whomever it was awarded. I personally agree with the alternative view to that of yours; in that whoever wins, ‘good on em’, well done. The awarded pic may or may not be to my taste but it’s something I can look at and form my own views on why it was chosen. This is my view.

I also looked at it this way, maybe correctly, maybe not; and that was that if I were a ‘mod’ I’d be seriously thinking, after the ‘sticking my neck out again’ thread, well, never mind sticking my neck out; you can actually ‘stick this mod business where the sun don’t shine’! I’d be as sick as a parrot at the continual grief I was receiving for basically contributing a hell of a lot of my spare time to making this forum an improved place for everyone’s benefit.

I’ve recently been in dispute with the ‘mods’ over something I felt strongly about, but, I’ve now hopefully been able to take ‘a couple of steps backward’ and have assessed things from a distance. Was I as committed in my belief that I was right? Hell; I’ll say so. But now, with hindsight I may not have been as tactful, appreciative, and, dare I say it, respectful, (without being labelled as grovelling); as I could have been.

Going back to your topic; this weeks POTW. Are all our shots not ‘test shot’s? We press the shutter; chimp; & delete more than we save. In my opinion ‘Scott’ had the photographic awareness to ‘try’ the shot; it just so happened to work extremely well & appealed to many.


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