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Old 05-06-08, 10:40
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Gidders View Post
Its not complicated - THE WEB STANDARD IS sRGB
Don't take my word for it - Google it, have a look at these references, what ever
If you want to live in a world run by Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard and their likes Clive, that is your choice. I say thank heavens there have always been minority enthusiasts with the imagination, skills and determination not to be bullied or wiped out by them.

The camera manufacturers make the camera capable of capturing the widest available range of colour that technology allows, roughly 'Adobe RGB'. As photography enthusiasts we can edit what the camera brings home to optimise our personal use of it.

Why then dumb it down a bit when all that is necessary for viewers to do is download, free, either Safari or Firefox 3 and a few add-ons to use for viewing photos. This in no way forces them to use these browsers for anything else. I only use Safari for this purpose, for most others I regard it as both inferior and a trouble-causer.

Eventually other browsers will come to regard faithfulness to colour profiles as essential, just as Microsoft, after nearly a decade of evasion and obstruction (during which Apple, Commodore and Atari pioneered it), came round to intelligent use of Graphic User Interface.
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