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Old 19-01-06, 15:10
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Originally Posted by Robin Turner
I want to try some night photography of our local owls, however in order to get the camera (Canon 20D + 100-400 L IS + 550EX Flash) to autofocus I need to illuminate the owls. I am thinking of purchasing a head torch as that way it will leave my hands free for the camera.

Before I spend £40 to 60 I was wondering if anyone else had used a head torch and if so what make/light output/bulb type/etc they could recommend.


Can you use manual focus? If the owls are perched in the same places then you can setup your gear and get the manual focus right using your torch even before the owls get there. If you use a wide aperture, with the resulting large depth of field, you may be able to estimate the range sufficently well.
Frank Hollis
Canon 2oD owner
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