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Old 30-01-06, 19:56
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Adey Baker Adey Baker is offline  
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Location: Hinckley, Leics., UK
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I think you're asking too much of your set-up, especially if you're just gaining experience.

Putting a 2x converter onto the back of a lens with a maximum aperture of F5.6 (at the 300mm end, where you'll be using it most, presumably), is giving you a 600mm F11 lens which will need a sturdy support in order give you a chance of sharp shots. You'll also probably need to stop the lens down a couple more stops in order to get the best quality available with this set-up. Not a recipe for a high percentage of successful shots, even for an experienced user, I would think.

'Write when there is something you know: and not before: and not too damned much after' Ernest Hemingway
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