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Old 11-05-09, 18:21
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Default Which would you say?

Does anyone know which camera, out of the Canon 300d and the Nikon D40 produces the best quality images?

I used to have the 300d, but then changed to the Nikon D40. I have noticed recently that some of my D40 pics, especially when zoomed in on, look quite bad quality, all pixelated and noisey, but when I look back at photos I took with the Canon, the pictures seem much clearer. I'm seriously considering going back to Canon, as I'm not too happy with the quality of some my pics. I would have to sell my Nikon D40, so would only be able (just about) to get enough money for a 350d. I'd rather progress a little and get the 350, rather than the 300d. I'd really like the 400 or 450d, but they are both totally out of my price range!

Is it just me though, or the Canon 300d slightly higher quality than the Nikon D40?
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