Thread: IR on the CHEAP
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Old 15-05-09, 16:34
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Originally Posted by postcardcv View Post
the suns out now Don, get out and try it...

ACS are worth a visit, I popped in last week and had a chat with them about IR conversion, the chap even let me have a play with his IR D200.

Well its in and out.

I am trying to work out the WB thing. Could not find the manual so had to download a copy. Doing at print of the relavent bits now. Not a feature I have ever used and the manuals route looks tricky until I understand what I am doing.

First job is to do a Custom WB and then Auto and see what the kelvin difference is in NX2.

For IR conversion I could spend the money on a conversion or get a decent IR lens that I can use for anything else plus have a fair bit left over. I prefer the lens route so a 20mm f3.5 AIs is on the cards. Manual focus job but no probs as hyperfocus at around 3 metres and all from 1.5 to infinity will be good at f11. Ideal for this I think. Ok it will not meter on the D100 but if I am not doing IR it will be on the D2X and make a great compact lens FOV equal to 30mm on full frame.


PS : I am trying to stick to RAW as on the D100 there is a significant image quality difference between RAW and Jpeg Fine.

Last edited by Don Hoey; 15-05-09 at 16:50.
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