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Old 01-02-06, 16:36
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Originally Posted by kennygee

No doubt your reasoning is more accurate but I am suggesting an easier rule-of-thumb method. You get a ball park figure.
Not sure whether 'near enough 10x' or '9.6x' is the ball park figure! but as you say an easy rule-of-thumb guide is more useful.

I've got a 400mm lens and I reckon it gives me something reasonably close to what I see through my 10x bins. Nominally, with the 1.6x crop factor it gives a higher magnification, but you always concentrate your gaze onto the subject at the centre of the bins, ignoring the outer area, anyway, so from a practical point it's about right

'Write when there is something you know: and not before: and not too damned much after' Ernest Hemingway
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