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Old 25-06-09, 03:13
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deci deci is offline  
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Join Date: May 2009
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OMG.............. The age old debate that I keep saying I won't get drawn into, but always sort of wander into.

I bought my first PC fully built. Took one look and thought 'Never Again'. I'm an electronics engineer, so we're going back some ways here. Since then I've always built my own. Currently running as my most CPU heavy s/ware 3D max/Photoshop I'm quite happy with my 2.6 GHz chip. Why? Because its not weighed down doing the calcs for the security I'd need if it where my only computer. No full time AV, no firewall, no anti-spyware , no nuffink.
As my 'web computer' I run some old MX166 chip (I think) and it works great.

My advice to anyone stressing over this, get 2 'pooters. Sort out what you want off each and furnish it accordingly. The web 'pooter could come from 1995 and still be more than capable.
"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
"Cats," he said eventually. "Cats are nice."

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