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Old 06-02-06, 20:56
Subzero Subzero is offline  
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 104
Default Trivia & Useless Information

a) Get 3 sheets of WHITE card A4/A5 size, in the centre of ONE, draw a circle the same size as the outside dia. of your macro/close up lens.Draw a second circle (same centre point as first ) but about 1/2 inch/12mm SMALLER than the first.Cut out the smaller circle; and then cut down to the radius of the larger circle at 1/4 inch/6 mm intervals.Bend these "tabs" back and fit over your lens, the next time you are doing "close ups".You maybe very supprised at the amount of light that can be reflected BACK onto your "flower" or "bug".The other two pieces of card? well cut a slot in a piece of stick/bambo and slot in your piece of card and place them around the bug/flower, again to reflect light onto your subject.Cheap solution especially if you have no flash/or flash scares you!.
b) Want to try close ups,but have not got a macro lens, well if you have a standard lens (50mm) remove it from your camera and place it in REVERSE on you camera, you will have to use manual focus/exposure etc but it will give you a good close up image.
c) Not happy with the above (b), well cut a piece of carboard tube about 50mm in dia. and about 25 mm long ( the sort of thing that paper towels are wrapped around). Remove your lens from camera and place the tube betwen lens and camera, all manual operations, but check out the magnifaction and you can take pictures which may make a difference between getting a shot
or not.
d) Fancy icecreams/desserts come in these "plastic?" containers with press on tops.SO???, well eat three, and save the tops.These are about75mm/3inches in dia. and if you have a tripod with spiked feet, you can use these.Measure the dia of the metal spike, and drill/cut a hole 1/2 the dia of your spike in the centre of the plastic top, and force with a screwing action, the tops onto each of the spikes. Why would you want to??, well stand your tripod on some sand and you will see why, these are free and will stop you tripod from sinking, works a treat.
Thats enough ramblings (men in white coats at door)
regards Subzero.

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