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Old 12-02-06, 22:07
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Gidders Gidders is offline  
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While I'm a strong advocate of RAW, you'ld be surprised how much you can pull out of that jpg. I've applied a fairly severe shadow/highlights adjustment (I think this is only available in CS2), then to further bring out the shadow detail, I duplicated the layer, set the blend mode to soft light and then applied filter/other/ high pass and then flatterned the image to get this
Jpeg%20IMGP2581%20copy.jpg (I've probably got the greens a bit too strong )

The RAW you shot is definitely less noisey and given the additional control, not only over exposure, but also over white balance, I always shoot in RAW and accept the post processing time penalty. I very rarely print a "straight" shot (but then in the darkroom how may of people did a straight print) so the ability to convert in 16 bit also gives more post processing headroom
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