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Old 07-03-10, 23:49
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RubyRen RubyRen is offline  
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: North east of England.
Posts: 71
Default Photographers Beware

I came across and article in the paper that I thought everyone should read. If you already know about it its well worth looking into it more because the topic is being brought into parliament very soon.
Im talking of corse about the “taboo” issue of taking photos outdoors in public and how we are all soon to be seen as criminals. I have a few interesting websites that may help to understand what is going on.
The first it and article I came across in The Independent.

this sparked off a search for me to find out more. I then came across a facebook group called im a photographer not a terrorist

I’m quite concerned about the whole thing and would really like some feedback on your thoughts, I never want to be stopped by the police or have my camera seized. I worry that because of the way our country is overcompensating on many things this will be the next thing and there will be photographers being arrested all over the UK and we will be forced to limit out art.
I did find some things from the metropolitan police website that can help but its not looking promising at the moment.

im looking forward to your replies on this subject
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